2023 - 33rd QOMSBOC - Concordia University/NuChem Sciences
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Dennis Hall, University of Alberta
Prof. Lukas Gooßen, Ruhr-Univeristät Bochum
Dr. Dani Schultz, Merck
2022 - 32nd QOMSBOC - McMaster University
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Marisa Kozlowski, University of Pennsylvania
Prof. Scott Snyder, University of Chicago
Dr. Claudio Sturino, adMare Bioinnovations
2021 - 31st QOMSBOC - a virtual event hosted by McMaster University (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Ryan Shenvi, Scripps Research
Prof. David Nagib, The Ohio State University
Prof. Christina White, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Rebecca Ruck, Merck
note: a QOMSBOC event was not held in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
2019 - 30th QOMSBOC - University of Ottawa (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Bill Morandi, ETH Zurich
Prof. Bo Li, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Prof. Paul Wender, Stanford University
Dr. Shawn Walker, Johnson Matthey
2018 - 29th QOMSBOC - York University
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Mohammad Movassaghi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Corinna Schindler, University of Michigan
2017 - 28th QOMSBOC - McGill University (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Justin Du Bois, Stanford University
Prof. Matthew Francis, University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Bradley Moore, Scripps Research
Dr. Tiago Vieira, Gilead
2016 - 27th QOMSBOC - University of Waterloo (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. John Porco, Boston University
Prof. John Anthony, University of Kentucky
Dr. L.C. Campeau, Merck
2015 - 26th QOMSBOC - Université du Québec à Montréal (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Matthew Shoulders, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Tristan Lambert, Columbia University
Dr. Chris Senanayake, Boehringer-Ingelheim
2014 - 25th QOMSBOC - Toronto Metropolitan University (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, Scripps Research
Prof. Alison Frontier, University of Rochester
Dr. Zhongxin Zhou, Gilead
2013 - 24th QOMSBOC - l'Université de Sherbrooke (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Masad Damha, McGill University
Prof. Marc Snapper, Boston University
Dr. Lawrence Hamann, Novartis
2012 - 23rd QOMSBOC - University of Windsor
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Mukund Sibi, North Dakota State University
Prof. Jeff Aube, University of Kansas
Dr. Carl Decicco, Bristol Myers Squibb
2011 - 22nd QOMSBOC - Concordia University
2010 - 21st QOMSBOC - Brock University (Program PDF)
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Sherry Chelmer, SUNY Buffalo
Prof. Derek Pratt, University of Ottawa
Prof. Thomas Pettus, UC Santa Barbara
2009 - 20th QOMSBOC - l'Université Laval
2008 - 19th QOMSBOC - University of Toronto
2007 - 18th QOMSBOC - Université de Montréal
2006 - 17th QOMSBOC - University of Western Ontario
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Tom Hoye, University of Minnesota
Prof. Phil Baran, Scripps San Diego
Prof. Paul Wender, Stanford
Dr. Roberrt Larson, Amgen
2005 - 16th QOMSBOC - St. Adele, QC
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Erick Carreira, ETH Zurich
Prof. John Blanchard, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
2004 - 15th QOMSBOC - University of Ottawa
Plenary Speakers
Prof. David Evans, Harvard
2003 - 14th QOMSBOC - Université de Montréal
2002 - 13th QOMSBOC
2001 - 12th QOMSBOC - Orford, QC
2000 - 11th QOMSBOC - York University
1999 - 10th QOMSBOC - St. Saveur, QC
1998 - 9th QOMSBOC
1997 - 8th QOMSBOC
1996 - 7th QOMSBOC
1995 - 6th QOMSBOC - Université de Montréal
1994 - 5th QOMSBOC - University of Toronto
1993 - 4th QOMSBOC - University of Ottawa
1992 - 3rd QOMSBOC
1991 - 2nd QOMSBOC - Université de Montréal
1990 - 1st QOMSBOC - University of Toronto